There are a total of 35 (vanilla base) game suits in this game, which players can unlock by gathering tokens, completing crimes, doing side missions, and many other activities.Insomniac has also made Staten Island, the Statue of Liberty, the Raft, Ryker's Island, and Queens all playable in, wholesomely expanding from the last game there are more interiors the player can enter (which will be mentioned later in this list) Since the last game tried it's best to capture real-life Manhattan, Insomniac has finally hit it out of the park the map of Manhattan is entirely accurate, according to some geologists from Manhattan.The maximum level cap is 60, but Insomniac Games heard gamers' complaints on how leveling up was a little too casual Insomniac has made it so that it is harder to level up and takes skill to do so, completing certain objectives, some challenging and some just regular objectives.There are two times more web gadgets to unlock, as the skill tree has added two more categories and makes the combat even more engaging than ever The immersive combat system is partially inspired by the Batman: Arkham video games, mixing those dodge and attack elements with web gadgets, parkour, swinging, and great variety in combat, as the combat is what Spider-Man fights like in the comic books.However, Venom and Carnage are two very complex and dark characters to the point the developers decided to give the game an M rating. The base game's tone (as well as the first three story DLCs) is similar to that of the first game, but it pushes the T rating (which the game would have originally been) due to the story involving the black symbiote and Green Goblin. The reason the game is rated M is because of the last two story DLCs. M (Mature) for Blood & Gore, Drug Reference, Strong Language, Intense Violence, & Sexual Reference